Dr. Roy delivers comprehensive ophthalmological care with subspecialty training in Ocular Immunology & Uveitis.
Dr. Mili Roy delivers comprehensive ophthalmological care with subspecialty training in Ocular Immunology & Uveitis.
She maintains an active interest in clinical research with original publications in her areas of research interest.
She has also engaged in teaching at multiple levels for many years including medical students, residents (specialists in training) and curriculum development for the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada, as well as actively promoted science education for school students for years through provincial and national science fair judging and sponsorship.
She is able to serve patients in 3 languages including English, French and Bengali.
B.Sc(Med) 1991, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.
MD 1991, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.
Residency in Ophthalmology, McGill University, Montreal Canada, 1992-96 to obtain FRCSC (Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada) certification 1996.
Fellowship program in Uveitis and Ocular Immunology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 1996-97.
Certification as Diplomate of the American Board of Ophthalmology 1997 and recertification in 2009.
Faculty Member
Assistant Professor, University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine, Dept of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Assistant Professor, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, Dept of Ophthalmology
Losos Award for best project in international health, International Health Education Program, Canadian Public Health Association and The Canadian Society for International Health 1992.
Frosst Scholarship for best clinical research project in B. Sc.(Med) program, University of Manitoba 1989.
Dr. Roy served on the Auditor Committee of Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons from 2005-2010.
She currently serves on the Editorial Board of the Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology.
Dr Roy has regularly participated in teaching, lectures and invited speaking engagements for years and has delivered many scientific presentations.
She has an ongoing interest in volunteer work and patient advocacy, with previous volunteer work and lecturing experience in developing nations. She has also volunteered locally the past few years on an ongoing provincial patient advocacy collaborative project with the Canadian Uveitis Society and the Ontario Rheumatology Association to negotiate with the Ontario Ministry of Health for government funded patient access to costly new medications for inflammatory eye diseases.
Dr. Roy has Royal College of Surgeons of Canada certification.
She has been Board certified in the US and has held membership with the American Academy of Ophthalmology.
She maintains active membership in the Canadian Ophthalmological Society and Canadian Uveitis Society.
Roy, M. Analysis of uveitis in a Canadian aboriginal population. Can J Ophthalmol 2014 Apr;49(2):128-34.
Invited Editorial: Roy, M. Optical Coherence Tomography in Uveitis: The Illumination of Ocular Inflammation. Can J Ophthalmol 2014 Feb;49(1):1-4.
Invited Editorial: Roy, M. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease: A forgotten entity in the Canadian uveitis landscape? Can J Ophthalmol 2013 Jun;48(3):133-4.
Roy, M. Relative prevalence of Aboriginal patients in a Canadian uveitic population. Can J Ophthalmol 2012;47:185-188.
Roy, M. Early clinical experience with leflunomide in uveitis. Can J Ophthalmol. 2007 Aug; 42(4):634.
Chen JC, Roy M. Epidemic Bacillus Endophthalmitis after cataract surgery II: Chronic and recurrent presentation and outcome. Ophthalmology 2000; 107(6):1038-41.
Roy M, Mansour M, Villanueva A, Deschenes J. Ultrasound biomicroscopy applied to the diagnosis and treatment of uveitis, in Ohno S, Aoki K, Usui M, Uchio E, eds. Uveitis Today, chap 9A, pp 275-86, Amsterdam, 1998, Elsevier Science B.V.
Deschenes J, Roy M, Rocha G. Immunology of Uveitis, in Tasman W and Jaeger EA, eds. Duane’s Clinical Ophthalmology, chap 28A, pp 1-13, Philadelphia, 1997, J. B. Lippincott Co.
Roy M, Chen JC, Miller M, Boyaner D, Kasner O, Edelstein E. Epidemic Bacillus Endophthalmitis After Cataract Surgery I – Acute Presentation and Outcome. Ophthalmology 1997;104(11):1768-72.